
In Black and White and Under The Deodars by Rudyard Kipling

  • 1,200.00 ฿

In Black and White and Under The Deodars is a captivating collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Set in the enchanting landscapes of India, these tales offer a glimpse into the lives of diverse characters, exploring themes of love, honor, and the complexities of human nature. With Kipling's rich storytelling and evocative descriptions, readers are transported to a world where cultures collide and personal dilemmas unfold, creating an unforgettable literary experience.

[summarized by ChatGPT & edited by Hardcover]



13.5cm x 19.5cm, 244 pages, Hardcover, 1930 (Condition: Very Good)


Condition Definition:
As New / Fine = New or almost without defect
Very Good = Showing signs of wear
Good / Fair = A bit worn but complete, with defects noted
Poor = worn with visible defects

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